Saturday, November 25, 2006

On Hiatus

To ANYONE who actually reads my entries and might be anticipating more 'regular' updates or postings, I will be disappointing you now with my announcement that I am taking a hiatus from blogging for a while. Is it because there isn't anything to comment on? No, in fact, there are things happening that are registering on my consciousness but since the mid-term elections, NOTHING HAS REALLY BEEN BOTHERING ME!!! Some in the blogosphere are referring to this phenomenon as 'DemoGlad'...and I've got it BAD!!!

Click on the graphic above to see if you are ALSO afflicted...

I had several topics I was going to discuss (an analytical overview of the mid-term results, my thoughts on Veterans' Day) and was trying to complete them but this euphoric feeling is not allowing me to do so (I did post my tribute to Ed Bradley). I recently threw out (actually recycled) a whole bunch of newspapers I was going to review from my October business/personal trip to provide readers some outside perspective on the local paper here in Dayton. I also recycled copies of the DDN I was keeping as 'samples' over the past 4-5 months (one week's worth per month) to review and try to demonstrate in an objective way that their op/ed pages are more bipartisan than some of its conservative readers believe. I was going to coin a new award--The Libra--to symbolically 'present' to the paper when they met that challenge. But that's not going to happen now--it's just not that significant a task.

The 'Libra' Award...
never presented but no longer necessary

I still feel the need to 'discuss' more contentious issues with others and routinely utilize the DDN's 'Speak Up!' venue for that reason--probably more than I should. But the matter of blogging--the methodical documenting of my particular takes on issues--just doesn't seem that important now. I will keep this site intact and periodically look it over to see if I can (or need to) get the 'juices' flowing again. Right now, I have other things on my plate that need my more immediate attention right life!

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